Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why Republicans Like My Democrat Ass

Earlier this year, there was a terrible story out of my very own city of Tampa about a baby being thrown out a car window. Anthony McTear, Jr. threw his 17 year old girlfriend's 4 month old baby boy out of a car window while driving down I-275 at 70 mph after kidnapping the child from his mother. The baby was not McTear's child. Obviously Mr. McTear was a real contribution to society... Jasmine Bedwell, the baby's mother, had been set to testify at a hearing the day before her baby was taken by McTear, however she decided not to show up at the courthouse. The hearing was for a protective order against McTear. He had made threats against the infant's life and had beaten up Jasmine on more than one occasion, but McTear and her had "made up" before the hearing. Nice.

So on the morning McTear snatched the infant, they had a fight and McTear grabbed the baby, in his car seat, out of Jasmine's hands and threw him to the ground. Then he picked him up and got into a car and sped onto the interstate, where he rolled down the window and tossed the baby out the window. The baby didn't survive. McTear eluded authorities for nearly 6 hours before being captured. When confronted by a member of the media about why he would do such a horrible thing to an innocent child, McTear's only comment was, "it's a dirty game!" Classy.

Earlier today at work, Brian sent me a link to a news story stating that counsel for Jasmine Bedwell is planning to sue the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department for damages, as they believe that the department could have done more to protect her and her baby from McTear. After reading the email, it sparked an outburst that I fought hard to keep relegated to email. Here's the unabridged version below (with tags and signatures edited).

From: Noelle Sebastian
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:45 PM
To: Brian
Subject: RE: WTF


The day before he threw her baby out the window, Jasmine Bedwell failed to show up at a hearing for a restraining order against Anthony McTear, Jr. She’s one dumb bitch.

From: Brian
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:48 PM
To: Noelle Sebastian


From: Noelle Sebastian
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:53 PM
To: Brian

That makes me SO mad. She should be tried in that case as an accessory to murder. She was negligent. She KNEW that he was a threat to her and her son and yet she failed to take the measures needed to protect herself and her son. It’s not the Sheriffs Dept’s fault that there wasn’t the proper paperwork on file and they didn’t have notification that this guy was beating her and making threats against the baby.

Two things. One: People like her shouldn’t ever have been allowed to procreate. Two: Forget a trial, just take her and him both and throw them out of a fast moving car window… Repeatedly until the desired result is achieved.

From: Brian
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:53 PM
To: Noelle Sebastian

Tell me how you really feel

From: Noelle Sebastian
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:55 PM
To: Brian

Now she’s wasting my tax money with a frivolous lawsuit…

And you KNOW that bitch was on food stamps and WIC.

God, I sound like a Republican!

From: Brian
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:57 PM
To: Noelle Sebastian

Welcome to the dark side.

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